Monday, September 24, 2012

Planning Conference

Appendix A

It is important to have the basic skills and vocabulary in order to master Cognitive Coaching but it is also just as important to be able to observe it in action. In this appendix, readers have the option to read a transcript of a planning conference as well as the coaches language skills that were used, areas of planning and any other comments that would be important for readers to be able to understand what specifically is intended for each comment.

A lot of the language that the coach used in this conference was paraphrasing and probing. This is a skill that I have already had a chance to practice and it is easier than I had originally thought and I am confident that I will be able to do it again. Another language skill that the coach used was his use of very specific questions that were intended to allow the teacher to clarify things for herself and her practice.

The only thing I am wasn’t too sure about was the phrase, “ positive presuppositions.” I will need to clarify this for myself during tomorrow nights class.

1 comment:

  1. The section on presuppositions here ( should help. Remember, we try not to judge or make judgmental statements, but to inquire for clarity or reflective probing that is positive.
